Since Jolie has become so alert over the past few days, she spends a
lot of time worrying. Worrying about the kids getting their homework
done. Worrying about what the nurses are doing. Worrying about what
the doctors are saying. This afternoon, she really worked herself up
worrying about the breathing trials. It wasn't easy convincing her
that she could complete the 2 hour sessions. She completed the
afternoon session, but had a lot if anxiety the entire time
(especially during the final 15 min). So for the evening session, we
rolled in the DVD player, purchased a movie (Moneyball, Brad Pitt),
and had a date night in the CCU room. Just the 2 of us. The
breathing trial & the movie started at the same time. Her breathing
trial actually finished first, and she didn't even realize it.
Cherish every moment with loved ones, even if it's as simple as
watching a movie together. I Love All Of You! What an incredible
God we have. Jimmy Carle 2/9/12
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